Pedalimi me njerez dhe mosha te ndryshme te komunitetit te Durresit se bashku ne disa zona te qytetit si: bashkia,zona afer torres etj.
Nje kohe shum argetuese me njeri tjetrin,sensibilizimi me qytetare te tjere qe na shikonin per te gjetur menyra transporti qe nuk e ndosin ose e ndosin pak komunitetin ku ne jetojme.
Gjithashtu informuam qytetaret edhe per ndryshimet klimatike dhe menyrat per te mbrojtur mjedisin.
This platform is built by Durres Active Center in the framework of the “Earthquake Social Protection Response” (ESPR), a UNDP implemented Project and funded by Government of United Kingdom, Government of Finland & Government of Norway. The project supports the Albanian Government and three earthquake impacted municipalities, in designing and translating the policy intent into proper local actions to ensure that men, women, girls and boys living in poverty, or vulnerable situations, intersecting with post-earthquake conditions, have access to integrated, quality social services.